Lent & Confession

One of the most important aspects of our Lenten journey is the Sacrament of Penance. This is the season of repentance and therefore every Orthodox Christian should prepare to make a good confession during these days.

It is the teaching of the Orthodox Church that sacramental penance is necessary for those receiving Holy Communion when they have committed grave sins or when they have failed to prepare to receive the Eucharist regularly.

There are three main elements to the act of formal penance:

  1. sincere sorrow for sin and for the breaking of communion with God
  2. an open and heartfelt confession in the presence of the priest who stands in behalf of the whole community
  3. the prayer of absolution by the priest through which the forgiveness of God is sacramentally bestowed upon the repentant sinner


Fr. Stephan will hear confessions before or after the weekday Lenten services or at any other time by appointment. Confessions will be heard on Sunday mornings at 9:00 a.m. only for those who are elderly, sick, or live a great distance from the church. If you absolutely must come on Sunday morning, please let Father know by Saturday evening so that Proskomede can be completed and Liturgy will not be delayed.

NOTE: After Palm Sunday, confession times must be reserved for shut-ins, people who have traveled to be with us for Holy Week, Catechumens, and for genuine emergencies. (Procrastination does not constitute an emergency.)

N.B. The anointing on Holy Wednesday is the renewal of our Lenten repentance, not a substitute for the Sacrament of Confession.

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