About the Recording
As we at St. Nicholas celebrate 50 years in San Anselmo, we would like to share some of our obikhod: liturgical music that is normal and usual for us, but perhaps new or different to others. None of it represents innovation or diversity for is own sake, but rather an organic development that has occurred at this particular time in our parish’s life. Much of the music you will hear has evolved from the various traditions of South Western Rus’, adopted by us because it is deeply ingrained in the lifelong experience of our rector and musical coach, Archpriest Stephan Meholick. Other settings relect the works of local contemporary composers and church cantors. This music is our humble gift to all who may hear it. May God be glorified herein and may our hearts be lifted up to Him!
Singers on this recording:
Archpriest Stephan Meholick, directing
Deacon George (Golitzin)
Deacon John (Beal)
Timothy Cowan
Matushka Peg Golitzin
Susan Green
Pam Ferguson
Veronica Hughes
Nadine Kalinin
Olympiada Kane
Ole Kern, guest tenor
Paul Keskitalo
Juliana Kohl
Lia Kohl
Julie Meholick
Stefan Meholick, guest bass
Meredith Pechoultres
Anna Peterson
Luben Stoilov
Recording and Mastering
Matt Champagne, champagnelocationrecording.com
CD Design—Anna Preslar
Photography—Greg Ondera