2025 Pledge Request

Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ:

1 Corinthians 16: 2 … “On the first day of every week, each of you is to put something aside and store it up, as he may prosper, so that contributions need not be made when I come.”

Stewardship involves the giving of our time, talents, and resources as actions based on our belief in God. We are taught that our faith must be matched with action. We are blessed at St. Nicholas with many parishioners who give freely and generously of their time to church projects. We are thankful that so many of our parishioners share their talents to further the work of our parish and its various organizations and auxiliaries.

The Bible teaches that it is the sacred obligation of all believers to make sacrificial and proportional offerings to God in thanksgiving for God’s many blessings to us. The only factor that influences how much we give should be our faith in God and our desire to give in direct proportion of how much He has given to us.

  • Our annual 2024 parish budget of projected expenses totals $190,000.
  • 2023 regular donations are expected to reach approximately $185,000.
  • To move beyond a “keep the lights on” budget, we ask your prayers to increase pledges this year!

Stewards are those who assume their responsibilities with joy and with a sense of obligation. Stewards take their service seriously and they know that they must meet these obligations first, before attending to other needs. Our priority daily, weekly, monthly, and yearly is to serve the Lord and His Church by living a life that reflects His teachings. Giving generously, cheerfully, and before anything else, “first fruits,” is the discipline we must develop in order to truly be Orthodox Christian stewards in the manner intended by God. Please consider:

  1. The amount you pledge is between you and God. Through prayer each of us must reflect on the words in Proverbs 3: 9, “Honor the Lord with your substance and with the first fruits of all your produce …”
  2. Completing and returning a pledge form is a way for you and your family to show your love for God and for the work being done at St. Nicholas to glorify His name in this community.
  3. Your pledge and contributions are strictly confidential. Only the parish treasurer will have this information and will send you a receipt for your records.

Our parish also accepts non-cash donations, including donations of stock, homes, or other types of property, or donations from a will, trust or other estate-plans.

God bless you and we look forward to taking this journey together. May God be with us.

St. Nicholas Parish Council

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